Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's been a while

Sorry about the lack of entries this week. What have I been up to? Lets see...

I'll start with Wednesday at Casting. I started learning how to do some of the normal things that casting agents do, which is exciting. I'm slowly but surely get more accustomed to what goes on there and getting more comfortable answering phones. I don't know why it gets me so nervous. I was a receptionist for the girl scouts. I think its because there I was just dealing with pushy parents of Girl Scouts asking questions, and here I am dealing with potentially very important people who I do not know. Plus, I can't hear very well over the phone, which is an issue..

Anyways, Thursday was great fun. I got to watch some webisodes at work. They were horror (which I am totally not into) but they were very good. And they had the guy from the Hannah Montana movie in them, who is very nice to look at, and made it tolerable to watch. I don't mean tolerable as in they were bad, I very much enjoyed them, it was just the gore that I could NOT deal with. I am such a squeamish wimp. After that I got to review some movie scripts, which was fun too. That night, my Dad, who was about an hour away on business, came by to see me again and take me out to dinner. We ended up taking out from this place down in Santa Monica called Cha Cha Chicken, which is the most delicious Carribbean food. It is this little beachy, whole in the wall place that is always busy because it is so incredibly delicious. I know none of you live in CA who are reading this, but if you feel like drooling over their food, here's a menu. Because the restaurant was about a block away from the beach, my father and I decided to walk down there while we were waiting for our food. Surprisingly, that was my first time being on the beach since I got out here almost a month ago, which seems really crazy. It was chilly, but nice to be by the ocean for once. Although I do have to say, being at any beach, regardless of which coast its on, reminds me of Welfleet.

The next day, Friday, was my day off. I was planning on going to the gym and swimming and then driving around to try and find some Asian grocery stores so that I can have Boba ANYTIME I WANT. Unfortunately, I got a terrible stomach ache in the middle of the night (what else is new?) which kept on all day, so I couldn't do what I wanted. I did drink a whole like, Gallon of Apple Juice over the course of the day. I could do that all the time. The highlight of that day, was the fact that I got to skype with the lovely Katie LaMark for like, 4 hours. Towards the end, we were just both on video but I was watching TV and she was doing something else. It was actually wonderful, because I had started feeling sort of lonely out here, and even though she was on video, it kinda felt like I had company. It was nice.

The next day was WONDERFUL! I met up with D and we went over to Santa Monica Pier (although my cousin tried to convince us not to go because there were "gangs there" - it was noon on a Saturday in summer...). Yeah, there were no gangs at all, just TONS OF TOURISTS. D and I decided to join these interesting folks and spent like 30 minutes in a souvenir shop trying on all sorts of goofy tourist. We finally decided on getting tops that said Venice Beach on them, although we were on Santa Monica beach. Mine is a really AWESOME muscle-tank (one size fits all) and D's is a large, 80's-inspired cutoff sweatshirt. We wore them around and looked soooo cool haha. Actually, we sort of blended right in. Then we decided to put our feet in the ocean, my first time putting my feet in the pacific ocean this trip! It was very exciting. Then we walked around for a bit, looked at the weirdo street performers, and went to 3rd street promenade to watch more weirdo street performers. There was one guy who was at the Pier, who I had seen at 3rd Street Promenade previously, but never got to see his act. He is this little, middle-aged, Asian contortionist who wears an entirely silver sequin sweatsuit. He looked like a genie. It was really weird, yet amazing at the same time. Then, at 3rd street promenade, D and I watched this group of guys doing break dancing and gymnastics, who all had AMAZING bodies, and there was this one middle eastern guy who was soooo cute. Oooowee.

Getting back on track.... That night I babysat for a very adorable 7 month old girl and the woman whose house I was in had a picture of her and JON STEWART. Omg it was awesome.

I don't know if this post is interesting at all, but I actually had a great weekend. Hopefully more exciting things will happen and I can keep you posted.

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