Monday, June 7, 2010

Back to Work!

It is 5:30 on a Monday and I am still at work at the casting agency, but somehow, that doesn't really bother me, although I wish I had a project to work on or something. I am actually pleasantly surprised. Last time I was here, they had nothing for me to do and I stayed for a total or 2 hours. Today, I thought I was going to leave by 2 but here I am, still at work!

Well, before I get into my workday, let me talk about my weekend. Friday, I went with Sarah and D to this thing called "First Fridays" in Venice Beach. It was totally happening. Except I stupidly ate beforehand. Why is this stupid, you ask? Because little did I know there would be tons and tons of street food, including at least 3 Korean BBQ trucks, and we all know I am a sucker for Bul Kogi. Anyways, that was a fun night out, although I so wish not only was I 21 and could go enjoy the bars and whatnot, but also that I didn't have to drive everywhere so I could still enjoy the bars.

Saturday day was pretty uneventful, but Saturday night was fun. I went with Sarah to the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, which is like Church Street in Burlington VT for those of you who are familiar with that. Mostly its just stores and street performers, which I LOVE even though they make me feel bad because they are such freaks and rely on this odd act that they probably aren't very good at. Although I did see some people with like religious propaganda set up which I did NOT like, obviously.

So back to work. I video taped a casting session today! It was so fun. I was in with Lisa who is very cool and we got to audition a bunch of feisty black women (auditioning as feisty hookers) for the new Katherine Heigl movie. I loved mentally critiquing the actresses, because I always do that, so to be able to do it for a purpose was great. It was also awesome to finally see a real casting session, which was not as intense as I would have thought (although maybe it differs from agency to agency). After that I did some office work and went to lunch. I decided to eat at this coffee shop (since everyone was out of the office) and try and follow the walk of fame as far as I could get, which was hopefully Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Well I started walking and they just stopped. I was confused but later figured out that I was going the wrong way, so on Wednesday at lunch I will walk as far as I can, and hopefully reach the theatre. YAY.

After lunch, I was invited into one of the offices with everyone to have cake for Sara's Birthday (a girl who works in the office whose real name is Saraphina which is just cool). The cake was lime cake with cream cheese frosting. It was soooo good, and apparently healthier, since literally EVERYONE in the office is on a diet. I think they are all doing it together. Oh, LA. Anyways, after that, apart from all of a sudden feeling very sick, I didn't really do much. Ran a few errands which stunk only because I had massive blisters on my feet. Too bad, those shoes are sooooo cute. Also, there is a W hotel right next door to us and I had to go inside it to get to Bliss, which is a store and a spa IN the hotel. They have all of these nice stores and spas and whatevers INSIDE the hotel. Ooh it was sooo swank I wish I could stay there! Ah, dare to dream.

So that was my day. In the celebrity news department (if you can call it that)...
It turns out that my cousin Stacey is friends with Beth from The Real World and all the other shows that came after. And by friends I mean BFFLs. For those of you that don't know who that is, she was the older sort of crazy blonde one. Apparently that is all an act, Stacey says... I don't know cuz I only met her for a second. But even though she is apparently very very nice in real life, it somehow makes COMPLETE sense that she is so close with my cousin. What a match, them two.

Okay that's all. More on my movie watching day at Lionsgate coming tomorrow.

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