Friday, June 18, 2010

Damn you, Celtics!

Okay, so this post really doesn't have much to do with the Celtics, I just had to express my frustrations about their loss. Okay.

Yesterday was quite the looong day, but in a good way. Work was nothing spectacular, doing some tedious busywork, although I did get to watch an Akira Kurosawa movie. It was from the Criterion collection (NICOLE THAT WAS FOR YOU). I had a nice lunch though. There was this studio-wide basketball tournament with lunch outside and so I was taken down to that. My lunch was yucky but it was nice to sit in the sun for a while, instead of in the office. I guess they do events like this periodically throughout the year. So i made sure I left work at a reasonable hour (like 5:30) to meet my friends at Cheebo on Sunset for dinner at 6:30. What should have taken me 25 minutes, TOPS 45, took me like over an hour and a half. Granted on the way there I stopped for gas and got into a fight with the gas pump, i still should have been there earlier. I realized later that the CRAZY traffic was all on account of this silly basketball game. Damn Boston teams always do this - they are winning most of the game and let it slip at the end. I mostly just wanted to win so I could rub it in all the Laker's fan's faces.

So after we finished dinner, my friend (who is leaving on Saturday. Boo!) wanted to go to this place called Millions of Milkshakes. This place is so self indulgent and is like the epitome fame whoring. You walk into this small little place and there is a song on (the music was SO LOUD) about this store and was advertising how you can buy it on iTunes. Also there is footage of all the celebrities that have come into the store and made their own milkshakes. The menu is also overtaken with pictures of celebrities and the milkshakes they've created that you can get. Its like so ridiculous. (I mean, just look at the website). And worst of all, its not even astoundingly amazing. I mean it was very very tasty but they basically took Coldstone's idea but instead of mashing things together with ice cream, they just throw it all in a blender. Like a mix between Coldstone and a frappuccino. I mean don't get me wrong, it was tasty and I would go back, it was just so self gratifying, like "Celebrities come here so you should too! And you should get the milkshakes that they make and then you can be just like them! Yay! Everyone wants to be famous."

Aahh L.A.

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