Monday, June 21, 2010

Movie in a Mortuary?

Okay, this weekend was AWESOME. Friday night was Sarah's last night in L.A so we went to Culver City to see Toy Story 3, at her request. Honestly, I didn't think I would love it. I thought it would be cute but OMG it was AMAZING. I highly recommend it. Oh and there was Totoro doll in it, which just made me so happy.

Saturday night was the best. I went with my cousin and some of her friends to a cemetery in Hollywood to watch the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers. This cemetery was huge and so cool looking. Many of the headstones we saw had pictures of the people on them and they were black shiny marble and in pristine condition. It was crazy. We also passed by a headstone that had a picture of the man on it, but when we looked at the date it was 1933 - . That was it. Meaning, the man wasn't dead yet. It was very weird.

So there had to be at least 500+ people there, sitting the grass, picnicking, drinking and watching this somewhat cheesy '50s movie. Everyone would laugh at the very outdated parts (like how the main character was a doctor and kept giving out pills to everyone for everything), they would swoon at certain moments, it was so fun. Although at one point one of the women I was with (who is a little out-to-lunch) started yelling at these people who were smoking, instead of, you know, asking them to please move somewhere else if it is really bothering her. I just sat there, looking down at my food, embarrassed. Besides that little moment, the night was wonderful. There was a DJ who was playing music after it had ended and we were dancing. Oh it was awesome. Apparently they have it every Saturday there, and I guess this kind of thing happens many other places around CA as well. Next weekend is Midnight Cowboy with Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman and I think I'm going again.

In Celebrity news: most people won't know who this is, but sitting in front of me at this movie was this guy named Drew Seeley who was in that Cinderella movie with Selena Gomez and was also the singing voice of Troy in the first HSM. He was there with his girlfriend who I think is a news anchor on E!. Its really odd when you see totally recognize people and you don't actually know them...

Sunday was a chill day. We went to the club, and I swam and relaxed. At one point I decided to go up to the women's locker room and try out some of their spa facilities. Sitting in the steam room alone was a very odd experience. First I felt like I was in an oven, or like I was a steamed vegetable. Then I sort of felt like I was in a gas chamber, which I quickly dismissed because that was not happy to think about when I was supposed to be relaxing. Then I felt like I was in some sort of portal to another world. All you could see was steam everywhere so I felt like when I opened the door and the steam cleared I would be in like a different world. I wasn't, unless you call California a different world. Sometimes I feel like it is.

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