Wednesday, July 14, 2010


MY SISTER COMES TOMORROW! I am so excited to finally have an exploration buddy (no offense D or Jacquie)!! I haven't quite figured out everything we are going to do, but I'll be with Katie so it doesn't really matter.

I'm at casting right now and there hasn't been much for me to do today. I went out to lunch with Sara and Erin Monday and today, which was much nicer than eating by myself. However sometimes I don't really know what to say around them, which is a frustrating problem that I neeeeed to get over. But it was nice nonetheless.

It is wondrously warm here - and its about goddamn time! It is not humid but just low-mid 80s and perfect heat. It is so delicious.

So what have I done since I last wrote? Hmm.... well on Saturday I went to the movie in a cemetery again. I met up with Jacquie and her friend Katie from home and we saw Arsenic & Old Lace, a wonderful Cary Grant movie. I love him. And that Movie. But mostly him. However, there were no parking spots on the street I was planning on parking on, so I drove around and found a spot on a street. I figured it was like equidistant to the cemetery, just on the other side but I was WRONG. Not only did I park very far away and very far down that street, but I was carrying 3 beach chairs, 2 heavy bags with blankets. It was a sight. By the time I met up with them, I was a disheveled mess with a sore back. But the actual movie was worth it and luckily, Jacquie drove me back to my car.

Sunday was Peyton's 5th birthday party which was actually very fun. It was a beach party theme and they had a slip and slide, so it was really cute. However, I ate SO MUCH CAKE it is not even funny. I had a normal piece, but later I was cutting it up and putting it into the fridge/freezer, so I was eating the extra frosting/cake that was left on the board. It was so so so good, but I felt terrible after. So needless to say, for the rest of that day I recuperated, as did the rest of the family.

Monday my father was out here on business so he came to take me out to dinner (in a rental car that looked like a hearse). We went to this little hole in the wall Korean place down the street called Tofuya and it was delicious! You had the option to BBQ in front of you on the table, but we decided not too. The food was very yummy and VERY authentic. And now I have tons of leftovers. Mmmm I love Korean food.

And I guess we are all up to date now. I can't believe it is already the 14th of July (Happy Bastille day, btw). Where has the time gone? And its JUST starting to feel like summer! Oh well. As much as I am really starting to enjoy and get used to being out here, I want to spend some summer in my Andover house with my Andover friends as well. And for all those wondering, I will be home August 7th. Keep that date OPEN.

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