Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I JUST WAS IN AN EARTHQUAKE. Oh. My. God. I freaked out. Not because it was happening, oh no, I've been through a mini earthquake before in Andover (weird I know), but because of the way my boss (who has lived in CA for a looooong time) reacted. She started freaking out, screaming "i don't like this!!" and then told us all to get out and that they were evacuating the building. Fact is, it wasn't even that big, at least not here. It was very rolly. I didn't even realize it until she started shouting. Then I went into freakout mode. Ran to the door frame (since thats the only thing I know to do). As I ran down the 8 flights of stairs (remember, I am on the eighth floor of a very old, historic building) my legs felt liek they were about to give out. I was shaaaakiiiinnggg oh my goodness. I'm still a little rattled and it happened less than an hour ago. We were only out for a second before it was safe to go back in, though I was a little reluctant... Apparently the epicenter was in San Diego and it was a 5.7. CRAZY.

But for those of you worrying, I'm fine. Shaken, but fine (no pun intendid).

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